Top Ten Secrets for Life’s Success

Ramesh Nuggihalli
2 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Let’s start by being clear that I didn’t come up with this list originally. I made some changes to notes I took a while ago during a flight back from Asia, where I was reading magazines. I tend to read a lot when I have time, whether it’s women’s magazines or men’s magazines. You can always learn something while waiting. When I find something interesting, I take a picture or write it down for my personal collection.

So, here’s a list I wrote down. It makes sense in a common-sense way and it’s quite impactful. I can’t attribute it directly to a source because it’s from a picture I took a long time ago.

Here’s the rundown of the top ten secrets for success:

1. Thinking Matters: Your thoughts are crucial — stay positive, steer clear of negativity and negative people, and keep problems in perspective. It is how you react to bad situation make the situation bad or not-so-bad.

2. Define Your Goals: Figure out your real dreams and goals — put them in writing, plan for them, and adjust if needed. It takes time to figure out what you want to do and that is fine. Many successful people took half their life to figure out their purpose and then they ended being successful.

3. Take Action: Don’t stay still — take the next steps, no matter how small. If you don’t start, you will not complete.

4. Never Stop Learning: Read more and read more diverse subjects. Keep adding to your knowledge, consider going back to school. Reading sticks to your brain more than watching TV.

5. Stay Persistent: Think long-term, keep working hard and keep trying.

6. Develop Analytical Skills: Pay attention to details, ask questions, and think critically.

7. Manage Time and Finances: Treat time like money, and money as something you can enjoy later in life. Being a bit conservative on finance will never make you broke or unhappy.

8. Embrace Uniqueness: Don’t be afraid to stand out — being different is valuable.

9. Effective Communication: Speak clearly, choose your words wisely, pause appropriately, and avoid being loud.

10. Honesty and Accountability: These traits are rare but essential. They’re the foundation for making the previous 1 to 9 points work.

In short, these principles provide a practical common-sense roadmap for success, and they all tie together to create a solid approach.



Ramesh Nuggihalli

Global Business Leader who has conducted business is more than 30 countries. Passionate about building teams, businesses and comunities.